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The problem with GUI explorability is that you're limited to the number of options displayable on the screen. Typically that's 8-12 menus, another 10-40 menu entries (and try scanning a menu of 40 entries), with submenus. You end up hiding as much as you reveal, and useful commands are buried under multiple layers of menus and dialogs.

By contrast, a commandline help plus a filter (e.g., grep) gives you a rapid way of finding a specific term. Or a commandline manual viewer plus inline search.

Tools with autocomplete (the vimperator plugin is a classic case of this, emacs as well) will start completing matching commands and patterns as you type and hit <tab>. It's hugely efficient for cutting through a vast command space.

From my bash shell prompt, hitting <tab> twice, I find I've got access to over 3900 commands. Try fitting that into a GUI.

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