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I think the missing piece here is pure FP.

If you're writing pure transforms, you're already creating the micro-services. It's just a matter of where they live. But if you start to play fast and loose with imperative programming, sure, you're going to need some industrial-strength glue. Even then it's going to be a mess.

It'd be interesting to have a pure FP language where you could either compile the entire code as one piece, or automatically split it up into chunks and deploy separately. You could keep the code in one place and the only thing you'd need to tweak would be the chunking. (You could also layer in some DevOps on top of that where certain pieces would talk to other pieces on a schedule, or across a wire, and that could be specified in the code. You could even meld this into a puppet/ansible-style system where not only do you code the solution, but you code the deployment as well. Neat idea. Somebody go make that.)

Erlangs OTP is getting close ...

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