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I've tried DuckDuckGo a couple times before. Today I decided to give it one day and see if I felt more comfortable with it. I was having a really hard time parsing the results so I did a search side by side in Google and DuckDuckGo. I looked at Google and thought "yeah, I know I want link #3" then I looked over to DuckDuckGo and saw that the same link was result #2 but I couldn't identify it as the page I wanted just by looking at the results page. Further analysis helped me to understand the process I use for parsing search results. It turns out that the most important part is the URL and I've trained myself to look for that in the format Google renders it (right after the link). When I realized that this was what I was actually looking for, it all became much easier.

> Today I decided to give it one day and see if I felt more comfortable with it.

I tried that myself several times, and never quite managed to do it. It only stuck when I forced myself to do it for an extended period, at which point I finally started being able to reliably differentiate between "good results" and "results that feel like Google". I found it disturbing to realize how much I had conflated those.

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