Is this really "tutoring", or is it more akin to "being available to answer questions"? (Maybe there isn't really a difference.) Do you ever do in-depth sessions for an hour or two? Or is that too time-consuming for the price tutees are willing to pay? Is it always / usually job-skills-related or do you see interest in more fundamental concepts as well?
Thanks for taking the time to share your techniques!
It loaded fine for me - Google account in hand... The tutorial seems like a great basic 7 step program to start an online tutoring business. The one criticism I have is that more time should be spent on customer acquisition as that is the most difficult part of the process. It is also something that can be researched on one's own as well...
This is great! I do something like this but is more focused to companies, basically they pay me X monthly and I'm available to help them with Ember.js.
I do not offer a signup button because I don't want to take every company, I prefer to talk with them first, understand what they are doing, and then decide if I take them as clients or not.