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This is almost completely wrong, and more about AA wanting to be able to raise prices.

Boing and Airbus are the only viable suppliers of long-range commercial aircraft, and if you order a 787 or A380 you will need to wait[1].

But it's not "locked up" so much as it takes a fair while to build, and they do have order books. But they are desperate to sell as many as they can (stories of orders being cancelled aren't uncommon).

In the short and medium range market there are a number of other suppliers. Embraer and Bombardier both have planes that sell well. For the more adventurous there are the Irkut MS-21 and Sukhoi Superjet 100 (both pretty modern, but I think only in service with Aeroflot)

As noted elsewhere, there is a large market in second hand aircraft.

[1] There is actually http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilyushin_Il-96, but I think that has only been sold to Aeroflot and other Russian airlines. Edit: turns out the passenger version of this is now out of production.

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