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I'd go for the opposite.

An exclusive airline that is basically 1st class through out the entire cabin.

* No carry-on suit cases

* Free alcohol

* Free meals on all flights

Membership required, and can be revoked by:

* Talking on your cell phone

* Not following crew member instructions

* Trying to prevent the person infront of you from reclining

* Trying to jump the line and board when your row isn't called

* Not being able to actually lift 40lbs but requesting an exit row seat anyway

* Trying to smash your carry on into an already full overhead bin

* Listening to music loudly etc.

You said:

    * No carry-on suit cases
And then you said:

    * Trying to smash your carry on into an already full overhead bin
Are you sure this isn't just a list of your air travel pet peeves? :)

I assume you'd be allowed a small bag of carry on (with a laptop/book/whatever in it), just not a 'maximum allowable size suitcase with everything you need', specifically to avoid paying the checked baggage fee.

The people have spoken, and they like cheap as shit tickets in cattle class with no extras. And it's easy to see why - I'd pay maybe 10% more for an experience you describe, but it wouldn't be 10%, it'd be at least 200% more, probably significantly higher than that.

Maybe when I'm older and a 12 hour flight in economy becomes really unpleasant instead of just an inconvenience.

I would assume this would cater to individuals with some amount of discretionary spending (like those who don't mind using uber, instead of a significantly cheaper public transit option), but aren't quite ready to pay for 1st class.

Doing an even more bareboned airline is just a race to the bottom. Eventually you'll end up with like MAC flights in a C130 sitting in a jumpseat.

So instead, try the opposite. A nicer airline.

You mean something like Eos, Silverjet, Maxjet and no doubt a half dozen other bankrupt companies? It's not like no one has had that idea before. It' been tried, again and again, and no one has made it work. Now obviously that's not saying you can't make it work, but so far the track record of everybody who has tried isn't that great.

Eos tried business class only from JFK to London. It didn't work.

Seems to work for BA.

BA have added Economy class to their previously business-only OpenSkies.

I actually sort of like the membership idea, that makes the rest really easy and invalidates the need for a "rewards program" Just always provide good service.

Something like: http://www.surfair.com/

An exclusive airline that is basically 1st class through out the entire cabin.

Midwest Express tried this in the late 1990's-early aughts. It didn't work out for them.

... and this is why entrepreneurship in airlines has not hit it's peak - yet.

This is basically International airlines:

* Free alcohol * Free meals on all flights

plus some.

Unless you are flying first class, there is no free alcohol on the international flights I have been on.

To all my children posters, I am clearly doing it wrong.

Depends on the routes. Most non-US airlines still offer free alcohol on trans-Pacific flights. Lufthansa offers free beer and wine on trans-Atlantics.

Lufthy even offers free alcohol in coach on intra-EU flights.

American Airlines offered alcohol on the Dallas <-> Buenos Aires route as of last month, like every other long distance flight I've been in.

I flew economy from London to Mumbai with as much booze as I could handle, both directions. There was some sort of ban on serving alcohol in Indian airspace, but outside of that they were happy to keep giving me tiger beer until I fell asleep.

I have never been on a flight between Asia and the USA that didn't offer free alcohol, but then I don't drink and never take it anyways.

Singapore Airlines even had Singapore Slings, which are pretty good.

Air France has free booze in any class.

I wouldn't fly an airline that forced me to check a bag. Getting it back at the gate takes too long.

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