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I'm seeing more and more bioinformatics-related positions in industry that are listing a PhD as a requirement. I'm currently trying to decide if it's worth it to do the PhD now (in Bioinfo or a strongly related program) or to side-track for a little while doing something more directly computational or entrepreneurial. I'm ultimately interested in coming back to bioinformatics regardless. Would you say it's worthwhile to do the PhD (even if intending to work in industry), or to try to make up for the lack of a PhD with other experience?

The older, safer part of my says get the PhD. The younger, more risk prone part (which I ignored for too long) suggests you're going to make a bigger impact sooner by doing something computational and entrepenurial.

The PhD means, when you get to industry, you won't end up as a lab tech. it doesn't mean that you will be running a lab, however.

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