The behavior of (strndiff / strdiff) is different from strncmp or strcmp. strn?cmp does not return the offset. they are different functions.
and in order to ship this package to deb, deploy to different platform, use autotools to test C features is a requirement. (we used to build the project with cmake before we use autotools)
Reading it again strdiff is the same as strspn, but your's doesn't actually handle c strings and reads past null. You can do feature tests yourself without pulling in the whole autotools mess:
I too reliably avoid libraries that depend on these old bloated tools (although I appreciate its helpful for packaging; the script complexity and lack of portability is undeniably a trade off cost in using automake; the usefulness of this library for me would be for a static embedded use case, where automake is of questionable value)
well. implementing these feature testing scripts is kinda waste of time. so I rather to pick up autotools, which provides a integrated features.
to use it for a static embedded use case, you may write your own build script to compile the library (it's not hard to write one). the cflags are describe in src/
and you can use pkg-config to list the flags you need.
One thing you might want to consider (or might not) is looking at Mongrel 2. It uses ANSI C and supports a variety of platforms, using only gmake and standard macros. I haven't looked at the code very much myself, but it's a pretty neat accomplishments.
and in order to ship this package to deb, deploy to different platform, use autotools to test C features is a requirement. (we used to build the project with cmake before we use autotools)