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Does anyone have access to GIMP download statistics for the past ~10 days?

Edit: Answering my own question... Not the main repository, but it's something.


Adobe CS6 torrent stats is probably an interesting graph to look at also.

Too bad GIMP is such a crappy alternative.

Also, check out Krita; it looks a lot like photoshop to me, but the last time I used photoshop was 7 years ago. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-dBDHsjsOG4w/U1e8ubOrBTI/A...

There is a guy, David Revoy, that uses only free software to do it's job, and it seems successful at it. http://davidrevoy.com/

Ehh...depends what you're doing.

99% of the time, I just need to crop an image to a certain size. GIMP is actually much better than photoshop for this particular exact task. Nice UI for resizing the selection box in place. Other simple tweaks - brightness/contrast etc - are handled perfectly competently.

It certainly isn't a drop-in replacement for the sort of magic 'proper' photoshoppers do. But for a semi-competent web-monkey like me, it suffices perfectly well on those occasions when imagemagick is too blunt an instrument.

Vector to bitmap conversion sucks, though. Seriously, if IM can do this without pixellating everything to buggery, why not GIMP?

Lightroom is far better for the tasks you mentioned than GIMP. IrfanView or XnView would be also perfectly adequate for your simple tasks.

Forget about easy skin retouching in GIMP, no 16-bit/channel in official release yet, forget about high-end fashion photography with GIMP. It's still not there :-(

Well, you can change that in a way. Just use the money you would otherwise pay Adobe and fund the feature you need. You can easily contact the developers, there's a list of them here https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/tree/AUTHORS ; By browsing the source code, you can also find their emails.

Pixelmator is a much better solution if you're on a Mac. Not free though...

I would actually pay 50€ or so for Pixelmator if it'd be available for Linux – but sadly it's not.

I'd think, though, that the Pixelmator devs could port it to Linux quite easily, as most of the code already works with OpenGL/OpenCL/etc. so they'd only have to port the Cocoa-based UI to QT.

And they would also need to port the whole Core Graphics subsystem.

Sourceforge hasn't been recommended way for GIMP downloads for months. It is no longer linked from the official page.

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