>just using an application and some form of cloud sync
Setups like this usually suck. These workflows are hard to maintain, especially by not so tech-clever photographers.
>what's the benefit of editing in the browser
You mean from a user perspective? Then "no installation", freedom choosing platform, collaborative editing, etc.
If we talk in a greater perspective... Web version of software for RAW processing can be easily integrated into any web service: Google+, Dropbox...
>just using an application and some form of cloud sync
>> Setups like this usually suck. These workflows are hard to maintain, especially by not so tech-clever photographers.
Maybe. Then again, I don't really see the need for syncing going away in the near future -- it's still hard to "just upload" the result of a single photo session/trip/whatever? Even if you're great at deleting obviously bad shots, it's pretty hard to keep the number of photos below the low hundreds (ie: 2+ GB of raws)?
I suppose some will prefer to synch up once, then have "the cloud" maintain the working set of images (as bad ones are deleted, cropped/edited/black'n'white copies are created). Does sound like a lot of data going up and down though.
>> what's the benefit of editing in the browser
> You mean from a user perspective?
> Then "no installation", freedom choosing platform,
Fair enough -- I see how this can be a benefit -- it also highlights how much more comfortable my life has become after I gave up on dualbooting and just stuck with Debian as my main desktop/workstation setup. But that might not be for everyone.
>> collaborative editing, etc.
Do you plan on supporting some form of non-destructive editing, where changes can be easily propagated?
>> If we talk in a greater perspective... Web version of software for RAW processing can be easily integrated into any web service: Google+, Dropbox...
I'd like to see that :-) I still think there's a bandwidth problem though -- I have problems managing my RAWs locally, I can't imagine it will work (yet) with the actual image data only in the cloud -- and I'm not sure if caching gigabytes of data on the client is an acceptable solution (mostly because of poor uis for controlling the cache, purging parts etc).
Setups like this usually suck. These workflows are hard to maintain, especially by not so tech-clever photographers.
>what's the benefit of editing in the browser
You mean from a user perspective? Then "no installation", freedom choosing platform, collaborative editing, etc. If we talk in a greater perspective... Web version of software for RAW processing can be easily integrated into any web service: Google+, Dropbox...