No - so we risk rate for recurring payments and get a bunch of info from online banking that helps us determine how large of a recurring payment and at what interval we can allow. We've never been wrong, but we will be someday I'm sure. Recurring payments right now are not fully guaranteed against NSF risk only the first one and all one time payments. So for ZenPayroll I suppose that's particularly relevant.
Someday we hope to offer stored usernames and passwords as a service (making it super clear to the user that it's being authorized) but for now we only have really good security people - not "best in the world" people who would make me comfortable doing that.
> Someday we hope to offer stored usernames and passwords as a service...
Usernames and passwords are generally an all-or-nothing proposition, and will be for the foreseeable future. Is getting major banks to adopt a application-specific-password scheme [0] (maybe even with maybe-fine-grained permissions!) such a lost cause that it makes what you're proposing a vaguely reasonable thing to do?
Someday we hope to offer stored usernames and passwords as a service (making it super clear to the user that it's being authorized) but for now we only have really good security people - not "best in the world" people who would make me comfortable doing that.