Garry, If we're going to talk about expectations, I expect more from YC than the miserable record of admission to YC for women and minorities to date. The stats shown at the women's founders' conference were a perfect example. See the link below for deets if you haven't already.
Until YC admits that the possibility of bias exists (I am charitably suggesting it's totally unconscious by the way)it will never be able to correct this problem. The longer the partners try to shout "there isn't a problem," the longer it will persist. I'm much nicer about this than other people, but it doesn't make me any less concerned. And I'm happy to discuss with you my experiences in any forum, public or private and to listen as well as talk. I'm not an anonymous troll, as you know.
Yes, if there wasn't a problem with bias then why would there be a need for Startup Weekend for Women? Why would the only female-driven product from TCD be a manicure app?
Every time I've pitched anything technical to men, you can see their eyes glaze over the minute I start getting into any detail. It's not that they don't understand, it's that they assume I _don't_ really know what I'm talking about, and the value of my speech is zero.
I agree that these reactions aren't necessarily intentional, but they do happen, and until there is an acceptance that it does happen, technically-minded women will continue to be discouraged from launching technical startups.
It's not worth the time to argue here. they really do have their heads in the sand, no matter how many women founder days they throw and no matter how much they try to say it's not true. the numbers don't lie, and our experiences don't lie. They don't really care to fix it--as evidenced by the fact that they refuse to even admit it's possible something might be wrong.
As a founder I don't have a lot of time to waste on stuff that yields no results, so I just come here for fun, when time permits. But there's a reason I'd never, ever apply to Y Combinator, and many women and minorities feel the same way. We'll just let the free market sort it out. Plenty of investors realize the arbitrage open to them.