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As usual I put my foot in my mouth on the last HN thread. This sounds like a good idea.

My point in the last thread is that for me, personally, I edit the URL a lot. I'm writing HTML5 games. During dev I use the URL to edit/set parameters as in `http://mygame.com/numPlayers=3&ai=true&runSpeed=47`. Having the URL hidden will make it harder to edit that. Sure I can click the "show me the URL button first" it will just be annoying because I can't directly target the `47` like I can now since I won't be able to see it until after I click "show me the URL".

So, just like only devs use dev tools I'd prefer if there was a way to let me see the URL constantly. Like maybe if devtools is open the URL shows? Or maybe it's another options in dev tools just like 'disable cache if dev tools is open'? I'm sure people working with history.pushState would also like to be able to see the URL live.

Do what's best for users in general. Just please help us devs to dev too :)

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