there's something funny - for the multiply queries benchmark [1], Go is performing worse than codeigniter, kohana. But cpoll_cppsp-postgres is performing worse than codeigniter-raw .
anybody know what's going on .. is a full PHP framework performing better than raw c++ under certain conditions?
PHP is for these tests, nginx and 256 to 512 PHP processes under PHP-FPM. Not a single process. If you put 40 Go processes behind nginx, each one allowed to use only 2 to 4 processors, you will get notably different results.
Anyway, the tests show how hard it is to scale to many processors with a single process. It shows that the Java VM is really good at it (to be expected, Sun always had systems with insane numbers of cores).
Sure: Raw C++ isn't necessarily OPTIMAL C++, and PHP is really, really optimized for the read-multiple-queries-render-to-a-page case (at least for MySQL it is).
anybody know what's going on .. is a full PHP framework performing better than raw c++ under certain conditions?