It should be taking a leaf from Django's own design book and providing some high-level CMS building-blocks. Otherwise you just end up reinventing Wordpress or Joomla. Look at Pinax* or FeinCMS for a much smarter sense of how to get Django goodness without reinventing the CMS wheel everytime.
* I know Pinax isn't a CMS - but it's tackling the hard problem of how to allow several apps by different authors to work together and integrate into the same site.
Mmmm. Interesting. I wonder how much of the criticism of Pinax there is down to the specific apps and how much is down to the architectural philosophy it's trying to put in place.
On one hand Pinax guys are smart, on the other packaging/deployment/reuse are hard problems.
There is not a lot of information on the site. I have only a cursory knowledge of Django, but the django-cms features seem to be the same as those of Django. Can anyone enlighten me to the benefits of django-cms?
Drupal's all about the hook system and modular architecture, and to recreate it in Django along with even half of the good stuff in contrib would take a very long time.
More importanly, Django will need to make progress in schema evolution to allow for easy DB upgrades between versions. This is the area where Django lacks most right now.
You mean something like South ( Did you have any problems using it or did you prefer something else?
It would be nice to see something like this incorporated into Django itself, but I guess you can't expect it to bake you a cake, manage your finances and provide you with an easy way to build websites all in one single package. But a man can dream.
Schema-migration utilities are in a phase where there's some competition going on and features and support cross-pollinating; sooner or later there'll be a clear winner and it'll be time to talk about bundling with Django itself, but for now it's best to let the community evolve things, since that'll develop useful things much more quickly than stuffing something prematurely into django.contrib.
It should be taking a leaf from Django's own design book and providing some high-level CMS building-blocks. Otherwise you just end up reinventing Wordpress or Joomla. Look at Pinax* or FeinCMS for a much smarter sense of how to get Django goodness without reinventing the CMS wheel everytime.
* I know Pinax isn't a CMS - but it's tackling the hard problem of how to allow several apps by different authors to work together and integrate into the same site.