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And then there's Taiwan. It has always been a country of small and medium sized businesses

Yes. This was one of the most striking differences between Taiwan and the Republic of Korea during the 1980s, as each country was "graduating" from the Third World into the First World as newly industrialized countries. Taiwan had many small businesses, many of them family businesses employing family members, while Korea had a smallish number of huge conglomerates, employing tens of thousands. There were exceptions to the general pattern in each country, of course, but that was the systematic difference between Taiwan and Korea. Each country thrived with its own economic pattern. Each democratized, even more peacefully in Taiwan than in Korea, over the same period.

In Taiwan, an ancient Chinese proverb is often quoted, sometimes in somewhat modernized form: 寧為雞頭,不為牛後 "better to be the head of a chicken than the rear of a buffalo." A lot of Taiwanese people cherish being business managers rather than employees, and indeed my wife (from Taiwan) has been a small business owner most of her life. She wouldn't want to be someone else's employee just to have more secure employment--she likes making her own business decisions.

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