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You still use duck fat, but you only need a 1/5th as much.

I don't SV eggs all that often; it's easier to poach or sunny-side-up them conventionally for me. In particular, I can't fucking stand peeling eggs.

I do mine without any fat; I findthe duck legs render enough by themselves.

With SV eggs, I usually saw off the top of the shell carefully with a knife, and squeeze them out into the plate. It's a fun process!

Oh man, I love the 75°C egg. You don't have to peel it, just crack it. (If you use crappy eggs though, the outer white does stick to the shell.)

75C is a hard-set yolk, right? Blech. :)

No, you don't poach to equilibrium. You leave it in for 11-13 mins. The yolk is runny but the white is a little more firm than you'd get equilibrium poaching at a lower temp.

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