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How are we on IDE's? Last time I tried go (over a year ago) I couldn't really find a nice IDE.

Most people I know use vim or SublimeText to write their Go code.

I personally prefer vim, and use the vim support delivered with Go plus gocode for code completion, that's really all I need for development. Unlike with Java, I never felt the need for an IDE with Go.

Intellij IDEA with http://go-ide.com/ works for me. Some useful features:

1. Quickly run/restart your application 2. Run specific unit test (all in package, all in file or specific one) 3. Parameter and func signatures are more detailed via CTRL+P (parameter info) than what you would get with GoSublime and GoCode.

There's only one thing so far I found a bit quirky:

Say you got a function with the signature func() (err error) and pass it as a parameter to another function that has the signature func F(f func() error), it will complain that the signatures don't match, but it will still compile.

I use https://code.google.com/p/liteide/ on ubuntu and it works well for my needs (and it gets better with each version). It has all the basic features of an editor and the code completion is quite good in the last versions. It's very easy to use (no complicate setup needed) and I never felt the need to try GoSublime or other alternatives.

+1 Gets the job done.

I've been using Light Table with the LightTable-Go plugin (I'm one of the contributors). Support is still fairly basic, but for my needs it works pretty well. If you want to try it, grab the plugin from github and not the ide's plugin manager - that one hasn't been updated in some time.

I haven't found one I like yet. However after a few years of hand holding by visual studio I'm less inclined to deal with one as they are complicated and require a lot more maintenance than a basic text editor. So vim it is for me and that's good enough as it highlights and indents well. The compiler takes so little time and the language is so normalised that I'm not sure there is a great advantage in an IDE either.


Not so much an IDE, dependent on your definition. More of a set of editor extensions, but useful so far.

Of course IDE availability should be low on the list of selection criteria for any language...

I've been more than happy with VIm and the vim-golang extension.

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