I was rather sympathetic initially, but the campaigners lost me completely when they went after Firefox.
That is just the dumbest precedent they could have possibly set. Because the important question is: What will be the next technology to boycott when a high-profile figure screws up?
But can you imagine Linus doing an equivocal interview where he ducks the issue and uses "Indonesians want to use Mobile Firefox" as a justification? That was Eich's mistake which just inflamed the already brewing PR disaster.
There is a reasonable difference between "personally donating to a cause" and "donating to a candidate who votes for a cause". Not that it excuses Mr OKC from being an asshat but it is a different situation.
That is just the dumbest precedent they could have possibly set. Because the important question is: What will be the next technology to boycott when a high-profile figure screws up?
FreeBSD? Exim? Postgresql? The Linux Kernel?