You have a point. 'Western' liberalism has its roots in the Magna Carta of England, sparking the idea that the individuals have rights over the the state. This tradition, coupled with the enlightenment and the idea of liberal democracies has a very long history in Britain, and bequeathed to the US and other places around the world. It's not easy to just adopt these practices wholesale without understanding the fundamental concepts from which they spring.
I think you should have hope for your people and your countries - these ideas are contagious and we live in a world of instant communication and instant spread of ideas. Each generation hence will work towards improvement as long as they continue the fight against oppressive authoritarian socialist states re-emerging.
I had hope until our president invaded our neighbor.
But I agree, things like more or less free communication, better educated population and politicians that are at least held accountable by their western counterparts and the rise of the global economy will most likely improve things for the better rather than worsen the situation.
Your analysis is spot on though as a lot of our 'misery' is engrained in our culture and that simply takes more/longer to change than merely switching government.
I think you should have hope for your people and your countries - these ideas are contagious and we live in a world of instant communication and instant spread of ideas. Each generation hence will work towards improvement as long as they continue the fight against oppressive authoritarian socialist states re-emerging.