Interesting. I just did that, got ipython 2.0.0 installed, then searched again and saw 2.0.0 for ipython, but 1.1.0 for the other two. When I then tried to update notebook it said that it would revert ipython back to 1.1.0, so I said no.
Then I started ipython notebook and got the new interface. So cool, but not sure what conda search is telling me now. Anyway, thanks for that, I'll use it with care and eyes open.
Anaconda is a meta-package with exact versions of packages that work well together. Any packages that are listed in Anaconda will be set to those exact versions (upgraded or downgraded).
Interestingly, if I then do `conda update anaconda`, it unlinks IPython 2.0.0 and re-links 1.1.0 after confirmation (which I decline, of course).