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Not really, I just think you've done a very poor job of equating "a difference of opinion" with "civil rights". And that's really what it boils down to: the anti-same-sex marriage side is just wrong on this one. And wrong opinions don't deserve respect.

> And wrong opinions don't deserve respect.

See that's where we fundamentally disagree. I respect all opinions - even if they're wrong, offensive or I disagree with them completely. That's the whole point of free speech

This is a wrong and dangerous interpretation of free speech. The whole point of free speech is that people are allowed to hold differing opinions and the need to respect their right to /voice/ such opinions. It is NOT about respecting the opinions themselves, and certainly not about giving equal weight or consideration to all opinions.

This latter interpretation is how we get creationists demanding equal time be given to teaching their "theory" in schools. They certainly have a right to not believe in evolution, and even shudder to promote that opinion, but that doesn't mean that opinion isn't stupid and somehow deserves to be given equal standing to evolution in the public sphere.

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