Soon-to-be computer engineer here. If I applied for both software and hardware stuff would I be interviewed by the same people? In that case could I just apply once? Because there are lots of things I'd love to do for you guys.
Apply to either position and mention that you're also interested in the other. A recruiter told me that's the best way to handle applicants interested in multiple positions.
I'm in the Boston office where we only do software, so I'm not sure about the interview process if you also do hardware. I would think it would be different interviewers.
Thanks, will do! Right now I'm pretty well interested in working in San Francisco, as Boston would be a huge jump I'm not ready for. The hardware stuff looks cool, but I don't know if I have enough experience for that (as usual). I wonder where people even start off with embedded software, since every job listing I've seen for such a thing requires 5+ years.
The funny thing is the MSP430 is more of a hobbyist's building tool than something I'd expect someone with 5 years to use. As a college student I've used slightly more powerful platforms, but I'd love to work with that. TI even has a nifty watch platform ,that I've been thinking about buying to toy around with.
Anyway, if not for that, there's plenty of mobile stuff I'd love to work on too :D Your company is pretty cool in that regard since you cover both bases, just as I do.