A future employee's first experience at your company is his job application. When someone has taken the time to apply to your company, here are some things that would be nice if done:
* When you post that you are hiring, either here or elsewhere, please make sure to reply as fast as possible. Delaying action on job applications doesn't help both you and the candidate.
* Even if you are not interested in the candidate, sending a reply, however simple, helps in more ways than you can imagine.
A future employee's first experience at your company is his job application. When someone has taken the time to apply to your company, here are some things that would be nice if done:
* When you post that you are hiring, either here or elsewhere, please make sure to reply as fast as possible. Delaying action on job applications doesn't help both you and the candidate.
* Even if you are not interested in the candidate, sending a reply, however simple, helps in more ways than you can imagine.
(Sorry to hijack this thread)