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Your text seems almost like Turkish gov't pawn propaganda.

a 4 hour account, and a very well put together defense of the recording. Any one that speaks Turkish and listened to the full recording will not mistake the following for anything else, "I can send 4 of my guys there (Syria) to fire rockets".

>For one thing I did not hear anything you would not expect to hear from most of the statesman in the west in a similar situation.

So lets cut the bullshit. Attacking your own people to create fear and thus justify war means is TERRORISM.

Yes, if you take the sentence out of its context and clip it that how it sounds. You have every right to criticize what's in that recording, but you should do it honestly. The rest of the statement you omitted is "they would fire 8 rockets into empty lands".

Here's the Turkish statement he (the head if intelligence) made in the recording:

"Biz gerekçeyse gerekçeyi üretiriz, ben öbür tarafa 4 tane adam gönderirim, 8 tane boş alana füze de attırırım."

So he intends to say that he would send 4 of his men but have them send the 8 rockets to empty lands.

In other part of the speech he is more concerned about human life. He says along large swath of the border millions of people's life are at risk that should be enough for intervention but on the other hand we're talking of the Tomb and 22-28 soldiers over there (this is not a translation of the following but gist of it).

Turkish: " yani işte vatan toprağının işte bu oda kadar yaklaşık 10 dönümlük bir yer için silah kullanmayı göz önüne alıyoruz, ordaki 22-28 tane askerimizin şeyi için, yahu kaçbin kilometre vatan toprağı var sınırda kaç milyon insanın hayatı için almıyoruz"

Full text of recording in Turkish:


People are already afraid of stray bullets and artillery shells on the Turkish side. Even couple of people died because of that. In a border town called Reyhanli, 60 people already died because of car bomb.

What these people in the recoding are talking to find a more legitimate reason to intervene on the the other side of the border, especially to ISIL. Something that world can back them. They are not looking for war with Syria. Minister of Foreign Affairs says:

"zaten adamların kapasitesini bildiğimiz için biz girmeyelim diyoruz."

"since we know their[Syrian] capability we say we should not get involved".

So they do not want to get involved (create a circumstance) for an all out war but use other options like manufacturing ammo and selling them since Qatar is already out for purchase. Here's the Turkish for that part:

"şimdi bakın efendim. mke bizim sayın bakanın emrinde değil mi efendim? efendim yani şu anda parayla katar mühimmat arıyor. peşin para üretsin versinler. sayın bakanın emrinde."

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