* Sending random IMs to the entire team throughout the day about funny stuff he finds on the Internet "to maintain team cohesion."
* Regularly interrupting individual team members and asking them about their projects "to make sure things are getting done and nothing is falling through the cracks."
* Nitpicking on small, often inconsequential details as a way of giving "constructive feedback" while insisting that everyone should be able to think "big picture."
* Occasionally saying racist/sexist stuff in weekly meetings "as a joke"
* Claiming that there is nothing wrong with asking an interviewee about their personal life because "culture fit is an extremely important part of the hiring process."
* Dismissing complicated front-end customizations as "just scripting" and insisting that "real programming" is done by our software developers (most of whom are fresh out of college).
* Sending random IMs to the entire team throughout the day about funny stuff he finds on the Internet "to maintain team cohesion."
* Regularly interrupting individual team members and asking them about their projects "to make sure things are getting done and nothing is falling through the cracks."
* Nitpicking on small, often inconsequential details as a way of giving "constructive feedback" while insisting that everyone should be able to think "big picture."
* Occasionally saying racist/sexist stuff in weekly meetings "as a joke"
* Claiming that there is nothing wrong with asking an interviewee about their personal life because "culture fit is an extremely important part of the hiring process."
* Dismissing complicated front-end customizations as "just scripting" and insisting that "real programming" is done by our software developers (most of whom are fresh out of college).
Ah, sorry. That quickly turned into a rant...