| | Ask HN: Is Ryan Bates okay? | |
209 points by mmanfrin on March 25, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments
| | Ryan Bates announced he was taking a monthlong break from Railscasts -- he then updated saying he would be taking another month. It has now been about 7 months since his last message on the site, his last tweet, and his last commit on Github (except for one day in October). Is he okay? It is great that he is taking time off, 400 screencasts is a library if content to create, but he seems to have completely dropped off the face of the internet -- and with his last few communications sounding very tired, it is a little bit worrying. |
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"I am a friend of Ryan's, and know his dad as well. I haven't talked to Ryan directly, but his dad assures me Ryan is doing very well, and has just been on a very much needed break. He also does plan to return to Railscasts."