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You cannot conflate bigotry with homophobia.

People may simple be bigoted towards gay marriage, but hold no strong opinion on the individuals themselves. That this is a possible stance is self-evident given the current legal situation.

How would you react to the statement "I'm not racist, I just don't think blacks and whites should be allowed to marry"?

If you oppose equal civil rights for group X, you are bigoted against group X. There are certainly different degrees of bigots--I'd much rather deal with someone who favors most civil rights other than interracial marriage than someone who thinks black people were better off as slaves--but they are all still bigots.

> You cannot conflate bigotry with homophobia.

If their specific bigotry is homophobic, why would they not be conflatable?

I mean people may simple be bigoted towards interracial marriage, but hold no strong opinion on the individuals themselves. That this is a possible stance is self-evident given the current legal situation. (and apparently not at all racist)

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