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Dragdis – Drag and drop anything anywhere (dragdis.com)
101 points by rbcoffee on March 21, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 104 comments

Needs to say what it is on the homepage.

When my only options are to play a video or "register with" then I always choose the third: close tab.

Exactly my thoughts. I spent about 3 seconds total on the page. Looked around, tried to scroll, then closed the tab. Don't make me play a video to find out what the product or service does.

This is even worse, because the video still doesn't tell you fuck all. Is it a web service, desktop software, a browser plugin? WTF?

And seems like it is only for Macs.

Heyo. Agreed! That's something we are working on already!

without even visiting the comments page I already knew that this would be the most voted comment.

I knew you were going to say that.

Seems like a great idea. Small thing - I registered with Facebook and accepted the read permissions, but refused the write permissions (sorry, no apps get write permissions). Instead of saying "ok, we'll just ask again when you actually want to post something to Facebook," Dragdis just dropped me at a screen saying that I absolutely must give write permissions.

That should change. You should ask for write permissions, but if it's refused, ask again when it becomes necessary.

Totally agree with you. This is temporary.

Also, I was asked to agree to your terms and privacy policy...yet couldn't actually view either. When I attempted to register without acceptance, I was told I must accept, but still no indication of what I was actually agreeing to:


That said - when I did find it, I was impressed by how incredible readable it was: https://dragdis.com/privacy_policy

Please link to that from your sign up page!

Readable but not QA'd enough.

Scroll to the bottom.

'If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:' was mentioned twice. Hurray copy and paste?

Hah, my brain just merged or ignored that. Weird.


Having played with it a bit more: very nice! I'm particularly impressed with the onboarding. Installing the extension was painless, and the quick tutorial was great.

Nice work.

I really wish there was a non-video summary on the landing page. It looks good, but FWIW here is free data on my 'acquisition funnel': Saw post on HN, opened it and the HN comments each in their own tabs. Got confused at the website not explaining what it is (did not want to watch a video) and closed site tab. Skimmed through the HN comments, saw enthusiasm, reopened site tab. Watched video. Signed up.

edit: Have to say, the post-sign-up onboarding tutorial is REALLY well done!

The landing page is very confusing. I didn't want to watch the video or register just yet, so I spent a good 5 mins trying to drag the buttons on the page, expecting it to be a demo. Didn't work, thought the demo was either broken or it didn't work with my browser. Almost left and gave up before reading the comments here and decided to register and give it a try

same for me : at work youtube ( and social sites as well ) is filtered so I have no way to know what the app (is it an app ?) is for and who is for (smartphones is it ?).

From the HN comments, I can infer it's some kind of neat way to save web-based datas, but I'm still in the dark.

Couldn't agree more. Improving the landing page is certainly one of our priorities!

My 5 year ago self would have loved this.

That was when I had the unrealistic expectation that useful services would stay around forever and not get bought out, close shop or pivot into something else.

It was also during a time when I wasn't as apprehensive about sharing lots of personal data with a US company. Nowadays I pass up the opportunity to sign away my data to new players.

This thing needs to be open source and selfhosted...

Dragdis is Lithuanian.

That's cool. Their terms refer to US based law/courts though, I'd probably wager their servers are going to be in the US as well.

That's what I love about cottonTracks, even if it does lack a bit in the portability standpoint.

Another archiving-sharing-reading-later-organizer tool for internet addicts.

I thought it was a good drag and drop javascript library for any DOM element that stored the position on the screen of each movable element and made some calculation for it to be displayed nicely, according to its previous position, later, on other screen sizes, phones and tablets.

Anyone else tried dragging the buttons on the landing page ? Spoiler: Not draggable:(.

The video took longer to appear than them buttons so my first thought was the demo was broken.

I tried dragging everything on the page...because I didn't want to watch a video. I ended up caving and hitting play when it didn't work.

First thing I did. Doh!

I tried dragging the text to the center of the buttons

This looks like exactly what I've been looking for for as long as I can remember. Awesome, and awesome name.

It would be great if it could integrate with Pocket, so my Pocketed links show up in Dragdis too.

Integrations with Dropbox, Gdrive, Tumblr, Evernote are coming. Definitely will look into Pocket as well :)

You should work some sort of "drag and drop to MediaCrush" thing out. Hosts video, audio, images with minimal BS, and gives you a link to share. Open source and has a great API, too. Disclaimer: I helped make it.



+1 on Pocket here too. If you sync 2 ways with Pocket it'd get the benefits of their mobile apps and IFTTT too.

Please do, and keep up the great work!

This is what I do with firefox and the bookmarks sidebar, for sharing there are bookmarklets for pintrest, facebook, etc.

I used to leave my bookmarks sidebar open all the time before I switched to Chrome for performance/dev tool reasons. I was bummed that Chrome didn't have the same functionality, but didn't mind gaining screen real estate. This seems to solve both problems, I think.

Slightly offtopic: It's cute when applications try to communicate errors themselves!

"Internal error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

No explanation without watching video.

Yeah, this was a big turn-off for me. I only gave it a shot after reading comments. It really should be clear on the landing page what this does.

Can user export their data in reasonable format?

Not at the moment, but we will introduce Dropbox, Gdrive integration in April.

Being able to download .zip with media and JSON files as metadata would be okay for most of us, I guess.

That also worries me a little.

That worries me a lot :-)

Me too :)

Nicely done, but definitely need some export/backup feature, or self hosted version.

Nicely executed. Great job.

I have family that leave browser tabs open for days because bookmarks are too unwieldly for them to manage. It causes a host of problems.

This is the best solution I've seen that elegantly solves the local bookmarks problem.

So thanks for making it. I'm excited to watch this app grow over the next few years. I think it is going to flourish.

Small quibble about the video. This is not hacker-attentional grade. With the sound off, I lose interest when I fail to see content by the 5s mark. (Just some model bouncing around an apartment she could never afford on a model's salary.)

Small quibble about your comment. This product is not made just for hackers so how about we cut them some hacker slack and concentrate on actual praise or critique of the product/implementation? Cheers

P.S. This would have been great as part of a product I made a couple of years ago. Nice job guys!

Right. If HN is so sensitive to critique that something introduced as a 'small quibble' -- a marketing tip, from someone who has been there -- then you, HN, have jumped at least one shark, and probably several other marine macrofauna.

Ummmm I'll respond to the first part of this comment since I'm not smart enough to understand the reference in the second part.

Your comment was snark disguised as a critique. Remove "This is not hacker-attentional grade" and the stuff about the model bouncing around and something about the affordability of the apartment (maybe you have something against models bouncing around in expensive apartments) -- The rest of your comment actually is a good tip. :)

Everyone knows that with enough praise on HN, founders don't need to have thick skins to survive. Failure is the fault of those who criticize.

Or at least, that's what I'm getting from your comment.

ok I don't even know what that means. My point was the OP was showing a product and as "hackers" we tend to (should?) give feedback on the product being shown. As a "hacker" I would assume you would take into consideration a marketing video is not targeted towards "hackers" and not fixated on it enough to have a quibble with it. I was wrong. Maybe you're not a product person and would like every product to market itself with hacker grade videos.

I'm in love with Dragdis and I hardly know you.

I've never been really gotten into Evernote or Pocket, but this had me hooked from the very beginning. So brilliant, yet simple, and thus far the experience has been flawless.

I like this.

Now I don't want to sound like the guy who said "who needs dropbox when you can use rsync" but I actually just implemented something like this using rsynch and file folders to organize random clippings and notes in a similar way.

So far it's working pretty good. [1]

There is definitely potential for dragdis unfortunately it isn't possible to find out more without signing up which I am not willing to do. Or to login. And I am always concerned about not controlling the host that the data sits on.

[1] Objects are rsynced to a cloud host and they can then be viewed or retrieved from laptop, desktop etc.

I wish this was a mac app instead of a chrome extension. So many things I want to organise don't live on the web. Photos from my iPhone, screenshots I take with my mac, pieces of text I write, etc.

You can drag anything into the Evernote icon on a mac too.

So it says nowhere if this works for something else than a MAC. So I'm not gonna go through the trouble of signing up if I don't know before hands if it's working for windows and if it's free.

Since I'm here to give a real critic I still signed up :)

It's amazing! You should make it clear that it is a browser extension though. And is it backed somewhere or does all my data dies when I reset firefox?

Also I don't really like that I can't browse through what I saved through the sidebar.

It's a Chrome Extension

It's also a Firefox extension in my case.

Awesome. Even more awesome : integration with trello. But I'll definitely use it. Is storage size a concern? I understand that the pictures are actually stored in Dragdis.

> Even more awesome : integration with trello.

great idea! i'm putting this on my weekend-projects list

Do you guys have folders beyond one level now? I signed up for the beta (?) a while back but stopped using it once I saw folders couldn't be created beyond one level.

You can group folders. Just click + next to your avatar. You can't put stuff to groups itself, but you can gather folders in it, open it, close it, customize it and so on.

I would recommend a "report bug/suggest" feature. Because when I dragged a Flickr image to the folder all I got was a header text on a white background (I think the picture has some restrictions for sharing...). It would be insightful to get these details from your end users. PS: I like the intro tutorial. PPS: I hated that I have to give permissions to post publicly to Facebook, or else the sign up process does not go through

This looks beautiful and I can see this becoming indispensable quickly.

I wish you guys did a better job of explaining what your app will do with write permissions to Facebook. I played around with it a bit, and it doesn't look like things I bookmark get posted to my News Feed or anything like that, but I don't know for sure.

It would be nice if this was super clear when signing up.

Soo... what exactly happens with write permissions? :)

It obviously is for the MAC user, who wants one button, one motion for everything and the ability to see under the hood abstracted away. Great product if they make it a bit more transparent as to what is going on and add more customization.

Unsubstantiated ad hominem against mac users to complain about the open source nature of a cross platform product. Did you burn your breakfast?

... I think you mean "Mac" user.

This thing is simply awesome. I've been looking for an easy way to group things I read / discover online, but actual offering seems to only allow URL saving. The possibility to save parts of a Website (quotes (keeping the source), videos, images or anything draggable) is simply awesome and logical.

Thanks for this wonderful tool, I'll definitely use it in the future.

Good stuff. One nitpick. The intro video is a bit long. It should have started at t = 20s IMO. I watched it in mute though.

Also, I'm somewhere I can't watch a video — would be nice to be able to read what it does.

Ditto. This is what I see: http://i.imgur.com/fGuuJ4r.png

(Corporate internet filter.)

Right click on the tab and select "Pin Tab"

Wow, I thought for sure that it was an extension. Can't believe I've gone this long without using it. Thanks!

What are you using to make certain tabs smaller than others in Chrome? I would use the crap out of that.

Or, even better, have a demo on the home screen, or at least a link to one.

Could it fallback to the original event?

say that I have other drag and drop extension on firefox like QuickDag, it does open link in new tab, google the text, download images... etc.

when I drag a link and drop anywhere besides Dragdis sidebar, then it should fallback to Quickdrag and opne the link in new tab, not just cancel the drop event.

Looks like a promising product! Unfortunately the Safari extension conflicts with other AngularJS apps and even breaks some. For example you can see the error on http://docs.angularjs.org when using the Dragdis extension.

That's exactly what I was looking for - create lists by just dragging including videos. Safari's reading list is cool but I really don't like Safari. Evernote's cool but way too costly to add an item to a list. This one's really simple, really like it.

Would be very nice if we could see that lateral bar by clicking somewhere instead of having to go to the site or something like that. I think it would be great to replace the normal browser bookmarks and I would definitively use. Are you guys thinking on doing this?

This would be extra great if we could integrate it with Evernote.

I already do similar stuff with the Evernote Clipper for saving content, but if I could also share on social networks and do the Evernote clipping in the same workflow it would probably remain installed.

IFTTT integration would be AWESOME

Where can we send feedback and feature requests? I absolutely love this concept, but it's just lacking what I would call essential features to make it really useable. I'm sure you're working hard on it.

Clicking the "Feedback" button in the app directs you to their contact page:


Can anyone give a description for users that can't play the video?

Love it! Will supplement or replace evernote since evernote is sooo slow sometimes. Can you drag a subfolder to another group? Doesn't seem that way right now

Does it concern anyone that these plugins have access to all of your browser information? Seems like a huge security issue to allow them this access.

This is a great idea, any chance Opera support will be coming? I can install it through the Chrome web store but can't actually use it.

I don't get it, I signed up with twitter but then it asked me for an email and password, what's the point then?

Reminds me of RISCOS more than a little.

Happened to drag a mp3 file, it'll be nice to have an html5 player for it when viewd from dragdis

Drag dis? Is your userbase the ghetto? The name's gotta change, it's awful.

"The ghetto", really? You sound properly awful.

Regardless, the name is terrible. I kept thinking it was a joke the entire time. Product looks great but the name could use a change.

Actually, I like the name. It has significant potential.

What I hate is the soccer mom in the video, and the clean polished look that doesn't match the cool name.

Maybe they could get Die Antwoord as celebrity spokespeople or something. If Ninja and Yolandi say something's good, it probably is.

Is there an api for this? I would like to integrate this feature into my app!

i have just deleted "twitter and facebook" under "Drag to" folder. and i found no options to get them back. i could only creat a folder but not the app like twitter and facebook?

ok.. i have implemented it under "setting" :P

Just need a mobile app :)

Releasing mobile website next week!

This looks fantastic. Congrats on working out an awesome UX.

How do I use it? Is it a SaaS, a Chrome extension, or...?

did anyone else try to first drag all the elements on the landing page before watching the video?

just amazing. less steps to do something usual for me. thanks !

I watched the video and still have No Idea. Is it an app? Is it a browser plugin? Where does it store the data? Does it sync between machines?

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