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Markov Networks, Monoids, and Futurama (2013) (izbicki.me)
95 points by unignorant on March 21, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Wow, I can't think of many titles that could be any more effective at getting me to click on a link!

Yes, although I read Futurama as Futamura which made me wanted to click even more.

Very impressive, but incorrect; "Turanga Leela" was proven to be a mutant, not alien

The professor is a little over twice as old as listed, as well.

Leela is a mutant, not an alien.

I know I'll get downvoted, but that comment was probably much more hilarious than you intended.

This was dated almost a year ago. This is me waiting for the promised follow-up!

Oh god, Probabilistic Graphical Models is coming back to haunt me viewing this.

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