I wanted to say Go as well, but compared to any other possibly-mainstream languages, Go is very innovative - it has fibres/goroutines, channels, and structural typing/lack of class-based inheritance!
And people disparage them for it, which is nuts. Google had a problem that they determined could best be solved by creating Go. So they did it, and presumably, they've solved their problem. That seems like a perfectly good use of incremental improvement.
Which raises an interesting point: what to people on the outside looks like a paradoxical combination of insane hubris and deep technical conservatism is probably simply what to Google's eyes looks like steady-state, responsible technical problem-solving -- c.f., hhvm and Facebook for a similar approach.
Actually, Go's fairly successful melding of static typing and duck-typed interfaces was a useful new trick. (Which doesn't completely excuse the "C++ tried that and it didn't work for them so WE WON'T" foot-dragging on other matters...)