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Sorry, I hate to be this person, but do you know who the high-paid, "celebrity" hair stylists are? Men. If you look at all the communications careers-- teachers, psychologists, marketers. Men make the most money and have the most prestige in female-dominated professions. "Flipping" a scenario is rarely the best way of formulating an argument.


* 93% of prisoners are male: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._incarceration_rates_1...

* 92% of all occupational deaths are male: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_fatality

* 84% of homeless people are male: http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/may/07/men-gen...

The general statistical consensus is actually that men have higher variance in general. You're more likely as a man to be rich and famous, but you're also more likely to end up in a ditch.

Most car accidents are male, too. It doesn't mean they're bad drivers, it means that men drive longer distances, longer time than women.

It's a matter of probability. The more you drive, the more you are likely to have an accident at some point.

Match total men mileage and get the ratio accident/man.mile .. Then do the same for women.

More accident for less driving. Numbers say another thing.

If someone's a truck driver and spends basically his whole day driving and has driven hundred of thousands of miles and he's been in 5 accidents.. And I've been in 1 accident.. What do the numbers say ?

I love it when people want to bend numbers to make them say what they want, yet completely take them out of context.


84% of homeless people are male ?

Okay, find each one of them. Ask if he was married before. If yes, ask him where is his wife..

I'm willing to bet she's not inside that card-board box:)

> It's a matter of probability. The more you drive, the more you are likely to have an accident at some point.

That was actually part of my point. I am not saying men are inferior, I am saying men are more likely to be in jobs where they have higher workplace hazards.

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