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> A bit strong

no, actually, it was just right.

taking people to the print-set dialog when they have _clicked_a_link_ is not just confusing, it's unsettling.

especially when -- as is common here on hacker news -- someone has opened several different tabs and thus has no idea which caused this totally unexpected situation.

"unsettling" is quite deserving of the "awful" label.

(perhaps that word has an emotional connotation to you. but i'm using it the same way that i would describe, say, a "saturday night live" skit that was worse than usual.)

the "improvement" you have made is thus good... but...

...the current state is still unnecessarily confusing... clickers are shown a "jquery - new wave javascript" page. which is most definitely _not_ what they clicked to see.

you have a perfectly good home-page explaining the service, and how we can use it quite easily, with a button to click to summon up a canned example if we want that. excellent!

_that_ is where the h.n. link should go -- your home page.

welcome people at the front door, and _then_ give the tour.

don't just dump people into the middle of your canned demo, when some of them (certainly those who opened multiple tabs) will not even know exactly how they arrived there, or why.

it would have been a little bit better if your demo content was an explanatory page about gitprint itself. but even then, linking to the home-page is still a much smarter strategy...

maybe you'll think this is "strong" too.

it's not. i'm just telling you like it is.

i don't have any emotion invested. this is dispassionate.

i don't even care if you heed what i say or not.

it's no skin off my nose. i'm just trying to help you.

remember, i was the _only_ person who commented on this when you posted it last week. "good idea", i posted...

so instead of getting criticized this week, you _should_ have said "thank you", and then implemented my suggestion.

there's still time...


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