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Bump Technologies (YC S09) featured in Apple iPhone Ad (apple.com)
64 points by comatose_kid on Aug 4, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

That's awesome. I wonder what kind of increase they'll see, if any, of download and use of their app. Perhaps someone can chime in?

[Edit] Forgot my congratulations to Bump.

We don't know when the commercial started airing but it was probably in the last couple hours. So far our usage is up about 100%, but we expect a delay since it normally takes a while after people hear about Bump that they find a friend to try it out.

Unless we find out a reason it will hurt us we plan to eventually release our download data with analysis to the community to help understand the effects of big PR (we were also the Billionth app downloaded).

i just saw it on cbs. Its pretty cool to have your app in apple ad. Congrats.

2x-3x increase in sessions within minutes... -dave, Bump

Billionth app downloaded, and now this?!

When are you guys gonna be invited on stage after Jobs's keynote, Loopt style?

being the billionth app probably brought them to attention of the apple marketers

That'd be pretty pathetic; they were in YC.

That's awesome. I hope you guys can cope with the increased load. Did you get any warning from Apple that this was going to happen?

I have heard of someone else getting on an iPhone add, and they got a call from Apple before it went to air, asking for permission. Bump must have forgotten to tell us, or maybe they just don't love us.

Apple let's you know you are being considered (you need to sign releases and stuff) but we didn't know we had been selected until the commercial aired and our server went nuts... No need to jinx it by talking about it early! -jake (Bump)

wow congrats guys!

The app would be so much better if apple allows a setting such that you dont need to run the app to do it. As soon as the iPhone bumps another iPhone, the contact is shared with a notification.

That would require background apps. What you want is a Pre. :)

Congrats to you all, its a very cool app.

Bump is one of the only apps I've had non-computer people excitedly tell me about. It really seems to resonate with people. Nice work.

Congratulations, Bump!

I've always wondered how the apps in those commercials are chosen. Does Apple just choose the apps that they like?

Who is Jamie Reilly?

Quite an achievement. The Apple guys did a great a job with the ad too. I guess its what they are known for!

I saw this today, definitely cool factor.

Congrats guys! This is awesome publicity.

congrats! been using this for a few weeks now, you guys definitely have the buzz going

Just saw it on ESPN, very cool!


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