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Asynchronicity is great, but javascript doesn't provide the tools to do it properly.

> (...) try writing a function call that requires information from two separate HTTP API responses; I basically need to draw a diagram of what happens with async.waterfall for a task that, given synchronicity, would've been solved with a trivial three-liner.

It's a lot easier to handle asynchronicity in strongly-typed languages with monadic for comprehensions. In Scala, for example:

    val res: Future[Foobar] = for {
      a <- makeHttpRequestA()
      b <- makeHttpRequestBFromA(a)
    } yield new Foobar(a, b)
You can then register callback functions which operate on either a Success[Foobar] or a Failure[Throwable].

Synchronous code isn't simpler, it just hides complexity like caltrops in tall grass.

(slightly modified version of my post on Github)

    co(function *(){
      let promiseA = makeHttpRequestA()
      let promiseB = makeHttpRequestBFromA(yield promiseA)
      var res = new Foobar(yield promiseA, yield promiseB);

with scala.async [1]:

   val res = async {
     val a = await(makeHttpRequestA())
     val b = await(makeHttpRequestBFromA(a))
     new Foobar(a, b)
[1] https://github.com/scala/async

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