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The $64,000 question: Why is Apple shipping keyboards with flashable firmware? The USB keyboard standard has been finalized for a rather long time.

As the article says: they ship hardware after virtually no public testing, so they often find bugs. More than one model of Apple keyboard has required updates in the field. $64k, please.

On the other hand: physical access to hardware leads to pwnage, film at 11.

The attack doesn't require physical access. It makes rooting potentially undetectable and unfixable.

It also uses a very unexpected attack vector, which means there could be some surprising effects. Remember slow-propogating floppy disk viruses? Think about the way keyboards are shuffled around offices.

What do you think the firmware implements? Exactly, that USB HID standard. The fact that it is flashable makes it easy to fix bugs. All software has bugs.

It is a great hack. But as someone else already posted here: physical access to hardware ... game over.

> All software has bugs.

I challenge you to find a bug in the firmware of my IBM Model M keyboard, circa 1984.

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