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1. Let's review what we need for most web application, at minimum.

-- Some way to parse URLs coming into the system and route to the correct code that handles the response to that request. -- Some way to marshal and unmarshal form, request parameters, and more recently JSON. -- Some way to return HTML, after we have done what we need to considering the inputs we received. -- Some way to handle cookies. We probably also want a convenience layer so that we can have some sort of session to make authentication and authorization easier. -- Some way to interface with a more fixed storage, usually some form of a database. It would be nice to have a set of convenience methods to handle prepared statements. -- It would be nice to have some sort of way to escape text going to and from the fixed storage to help prevent XSS attacks. -- It would be nice to have a way to conveniently handle CSRF attacks.

Now, we could have a library for each one, or maybe 20. But that means every new project, we're making 7 (at a minimum) libraries, evaluating them for security, keeping on top of security updates for 7 projects, and learning 7 (or more) fundamental libraries each time we come on to another team because someone made different choices. On top of that, we've written glue code on top of this all to make our lives livable. The current state of code ownership means that we probably can't take this from employer to employer, so we'll have to write it all over again, or learn someone else's glue code with its own idiosyncrasies.

All for things that matter quite a bit, but I'd prefer a single good implementation over having to search for the 7 best. Further, what happens when one of these projects goes dormant? It's easy to rip everything out if you've written your code modularly, but what about that junior programmer's code from before you were there?

And are we supposed to thrust this all on a junior programmer who is just starting out? That's how PHP happened. ;) Not every programmer is gifted with a good sense of architecture, and most frameworks at least enforce a Not-Terrible architecture. When taking over someone else's code, this can be a very good thing.

Frameworks, as massively coupled as they are, have some distinct advantages for getting things done in 95% of systems. If you're running a system for which the defaults don't work, a framework isn't right for you. That's fine. Depending on how far out you are from the opinions, you can either cobble together your own solution or write it from scratch. But for most use cases, there are more advantages to that massively coupled system than disadvantages.

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