If you play that game with any kind of prior belief about the values that you're about to see, then the theoretical solution is not longer valid.
What you're describing with the rock star vs incompetent people scenario is about bringing prior knowledge in there. You see a rock star as first candidate. You figure that, in your lineup of 10 people, odds are that no one will be better than that rock star. So you pick him/her.
This makes the theoretical solution at best a kind of intuitive justification in practical settings, but you shouldn't apply it mechanically without using your judgment.
What you're describing with the rock star vs incompetent people scenario is about bringing prior knowledge in there. You see a rock star as first candidate. You figure that, in your lineup of 10 people, odds are that no one will be better than that rock star. So you pick him/her.
This makes the theoretical solution at best a kind of intuitive justification in practical settings, but you shouldn't apply it mechanically without using your judgment.