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people who care about security don't use windows

Can you elaborate about what you mean with the pretty general term 'security'? Cause I've heard this before, and using both some linux distros and some windows versions I never felt particularly unsecure on any of them. Maybe that's a false feeling though - but how to check it? E.g. last time I checked, during normal operations, none of my boxes would have in- nor outbound connections to any peers that I didn't know of. And last time I ran a bunch of virus/malware scans on the windows boxes everything was fine as well. But if I understand you correctly your claim is this is not sufficient?

Well the article's talking about having a way to safely install software - my general view is that while UAC and firewall-type mechanisms mean malware authors need to be more careful, they don't provide any firm security guarantees. So if an attacker can get you to run an executable they've provided, even as a non-admin user, they win. If you download executables over HTTP, and run them without taking steps to verify them, you are likely vulnerable; signature-based virus scanners are not to be relied upon, and any malware scan run after you run the program could at least in theory be defeated - if nothing else, by a Blue Pill-style hypervisor.

Now, how realistic a danger a HTTP MITM is it depends on your threat model; I don't think anyone's doing this on a large scale (other than governments in places like Iran and North Korea). But if you're worried about attackers targeting you specifically, then I think this is a valid threat vector.

MS tried to address this in earlier windows with digital signing of downloads (you get a warning if you try to run an unsigned executable, and a different warning identifying the publisher for a signed one, assuming the executable in question is marked as having been downloaded from the internet), and by integrating an app store into windows 8 (I think?). If done correctly, this would prevent this kind of attack - if you only ever run signed executables, and you trust the signers, you're safe. But the fact that even PuTTY, supposedly a piece of security software, is an unsigned download, suggests that this approach hasn't really spread through the windows software ecosystem yet. (The other approach that might work is extending UAC into some kind of full containerization approach, and isolating applications more fully from each other).

Microsoft itself says that if you're really serious about security, you run the headless version of their servers, as 70% of security bugs are in the GUI.

Now, a desktop system is always going to run a GUI, but a server has its attack surface reduced by not having a GUI, and most Windows servers have a GUI.

I posted some details as to why Windows is inherently insecure at a fundamental, architecture level in the thread above this one:


Also consider for a moment that everything is executable by default in Windows. Meaning, you download a binary from wherever, double-click on it, and it will execute.

Here's how that works on a Linux workstation: You download something, explicitly set the execute bit on the file, then you can double-click on it to execute (assuming it is statically compiled for the correct architecture).

The average user does not know or care how to set the execute bit on a downloaded file. This alone is a huge hurdle for attackers to overcome.

I know/get that, so it kinda answers the first question.

But then the other one remains, basically for any OS: if signature-based scanners aren't good enough, how do you properly check you are secure? Is something like connection logging sufficient?

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