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I wanted to respond to this deleted comment:

    gamblor956 17 minutes ago | link

    The problem is, and always will be, constructing the
    contract in such a way that it is comprehensive and
    comprehensible. We have yet to master that in languages
    that have existed for thousands of years; it is highly
    unlikely we'll master that within the limited framework
    of a a programming language which by its nature can't
    address unanticipated situations.
The fact that something hasn't happened doesn't mean that it will never happen, nor does the age of a language imply its usefulness for any particular purpose (and no language spoken on Earth has remained unchanged for hundreds, let alone thousands of years).

The formal notations introduced by mathematicians allowed for an explosion of knowledge and discovery that wasn't possible using plain language, while improving simplicity. Consider which is more understandable: a² + b² = c², or the sum of the squares of the two sides is equal to the sum of the squares of the hypotenuse.

Similarly, I expect that some day, given the right innovation in language, technology, or procedure, we could produce an equivalent leap forward in the way we think of laws, contracts, politics, and governments.

Too late to edit, so I'll add this correction: replace "sum of the squares of the hypotenuse" with "square of the hypotenuse".

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