Are you just trolling? My comment made multiple references to the private sector that currently exists in China.
You're aware that there's a healthy private sector in China currently, right? The name "Deng Xiaopeng" ringing any bells? They've had grains futures markets for 25 years now. Not state-allocated capital for food. Seems kinda implausible that you just missed that one.
I'd suggest reading a newspaper sometime. Maybe a history book or two.
Ahh I see. So your definition of the famine-inducing kind of state capital allocation is so narrow as to only include those instances where famine actually occurred. State allocated capital is totally fine then, so long as some of (undetermined amount?) a country's economic allocation of capital is governed by market forces?
No idea why I'm feeding you. Here's my quote, from above, which you could easily read yourself: 'State-allocated capital without a private finance sector has failed miserably'.
I didn't claim that the existence of any state spending at all causes famine. That would be ridiculous to claim. Does US highway spending mean that we're undergoing a famine RIGHT NOW? I mean, the human race would be extinct if that claim held true, given that governments have generally existed most places.
What's your angle, here? What on earth are you trying to prove? To who?