Well, no?
They're shutting themselves in in their Ivory tower. If you're already a free software enthusiast, than maybe you can hear what THE MASTER has to say. Otherwise, well, be fine with your life of consumerism and oppression that we won't contribute to overcome because our self-entitlement and shut-in attitude.
Going on the defensive and posting snarky replies purely because your device of choice opted not to support the format - despite being free to do so - is neither big, nor clever. The person you're replying to is completely correct, you make a great case as to why free and open software is a good thing, because your ability to experience this content is hindered by a walled garden of an OS.
Unfortunately I made a mistake. I shouldn't have mentioned the iPad. It weakens the central point - I.e. The fact that many free software advocates are themselves the feeders of their marginality