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Desktops are not really going away, they're just taking a roundabout. Instead of desktops people are now buying laptops, and attaching external monitors, keyboards, mice.

The next step could be people buying tablets, and attaching the external devices for power use.

The difference is subtle, as it seems to be nothing is materially changing, but the current tablet/mobile ecosystem is dominated by application container operating systems like Android and iOS, and it seems unlikely that that is going to change.

This is the movement that is obsoleting traditional Linux and Windows, at least on consumer hardware.

So to answer your question: "typing lots of text, photoshopping/gimping, programming IDE, browsing with multiple browser windows" will be replaced by functionality in containerized applications or 'apps'. The apps are bought/downloaded from app repositories that are loosely maintained by commercial entities, and they could very well be untrustworthy.

As to your P.S.: yes, exactly, so you already know you are going to abandoning the desktop.

because I really don't need actual Photoshop or development tools that have been refined for many decades, I just need shitty little Android apps written in the last few years.

No, that is wrong.

What makes you think that Photoshop or development tools can't be either apps or web applications?

> As to your P.S.: yes, exactly, so you already know you are going to abandoning the desktop.

Oh, hmm, would I guess also really depend on what OS and software is available for it and how open the whole ecosystem is, I mean, something unix-like that you can modify, not something single-closed-source-app-at-a-time-like :)

And if a desktop machine will allow you to stuff many more powerful CPUs and GPUs in it I may keep using one anyway :D

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