> unless you decide on where you live based on the available ISP.
Interestingly, if I ever move out of my current neighborhood, this (along with apartment price) will dictate where I look. I'm pretty happy with Cablevision for now, though.
What happens when you pick a town with a good ISP, which then gets bought by GiantEvilCo a month after you move in?
I don't think voting with your feet and mortgages is a solution. Perhaps forgoing entirely? When Charter dicked me around in 08, I went back to dialup for over a year before DSL became available at my house. Screw 'em. I can still read HN and text-based websites at 56k.
Which isn't a whole lot slower than AT&T is giving me now. But at least they don't treat me like a subhuman ATM like Charter did.
Interestingly, if I ever move out of my current neighborhood, this (along with apartment price) will dictate where I look. I'm pretty happy with Cablevision for now, though.