Same here, but not as bad. I'm holding a 9-6 job, doing part-time studies(down to my final project, which is a full-fledge web app, not difficult but tedious) and doing a freelance project(web application also).
Its one of those things which just happened and got out of hand real quickly. I wake up at 7am and reach home at 8am. By the time I reach home, I'm already drained from work that I could do neither my freelance nor my school project.
Weekends are the only time I have to do my non-work stuff and I'm trying to figure how I can fit in a social life while I'm at it.
Its one of those things which just happened and got out of hand real quickly. I wake up at 7am and reach home at 8am. By the time I reach home, I'm already drained from work that I could do neither my freelance nor my school project.
Weekends are the only time I have to do my non-work stuff and I'm trying to figure how I can fit in a social life while I'm at it.