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1) Not true : e.g. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2870195/posts

2) Get real, it kind of is. I've studied AI, and studied a lot of evolution to get a better understanding of it's mechanics and, well, let's just say that what's taught in schools is so extremely inaccurate it's not funny (run a genetic algorithm to write a program and you'll see the limitations of evolution for yourself, and you'll understand that it's a learning algorithm that's really only good for one thing, and that just isn't what evolution's trying to do anymore, so it no longer uses that algorithm). The idea of species change through mutation + natural selection is flat-out wrong. What would students miss if they don't know it ? I think it'd be an actual improvement.

As for the idea that originally led to the teaching of evolution theory, that really did happen with the intent to replace God with the state. Now I may not necessarily be pro-God, but compared with the state, the American one, but especially compared to the states that originally pushed evolution, God is a saint.

When reading this thread, I get the distinct impression that's still the intention. Replace God with the state. That is NOT a honorable intention I can find myself in at all. Hell, those kids will be far better off believing God will take care of them than if they believe the state will do that.

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