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When a customer calls into the GoDaddy call center, they are supposed to provide a 4 digit pin in order to gain access to their account.

I don't work in that department, but I'll forward the page to the CEO and make sure it gets read and addressed.

UPDATE: GoDaddy's CEO let me know that they contacted the affected party, the internal security team, and Twitter security. I'd hope they are also looking at policy/training changes for customer support, but that wasn't mentioned.

While you're at it, tell him to stop shooting elephants, donating money to Mitt Romney, decorating your web site with scantily clad women, and acting like a sexist pig.

Edit: I see you got a new CEO since I and so many other customers left in disgust about your company's support of SOPA and all those other issues. I'm sure you still have binders full of scantily clad women to decorate your booths at trade shows. Your company is permanently tainted, one of the worst examples of what's wrong with the computer industry, and I'm never coming back.

I get it. I came on 2 years ago after Bob had already left. GoDaddy has also officially stopped doing "GoDaddy Girls", which is a relief. Those old commercials were awful.

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