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It's very simple for me: From 20s to 30s most women are having babies, because it's the only time on their lives when they can do it safely. They can go startuping later.

Male coders on their 20s are mostly coding and brofounding because they don't have a better thing to do. IMHO It's even not such a good idea to go having babies at this age for a male because you are mostly broke all the time and you are still a teenager.

When people talk about Female founders or coders I think they mean young pretty female founders. There are few, and for good reasons.

I see no shortage of older females in software managament or software arch. positions and many moms are just fine doing startups on their 50s.

Please note there are age related discrimination problems in our area of work. And frankly speaking when you talk of management you are talking of glorified desk supervisors and when you talk of architects you are talking of UML-drawing clueless people in semi-managerial roles.

Almost anything that requires solving hard engineering problems like scalability, quality you will again get back long hour working engineering culture.

The competition is fierce from younger people. Also the level of learning you are required to do to just 'catch-up' with existing trends in technology in simply too much.

In all the problems look very similar to that in other branches of engineering too. Mechanical engineering for that matter sees too little enrollment from girls, same with civil engineering.

>And frankly speaking when you talk of management you are talking of glorified desk supervisors

No, I think you should fire your manager :)

It is worth noting that it is very common for women to be 'promoted' out of technical roles into managerial or administrative positions, often before they have been able to develop true competencies or career plans.

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