I'm skeptical that drawing special attention to female founders who are coders will reduce gender-biased behaviors. The most effective way of combating gender bias is for the people who run companies to stop tolerating that kind of behavior in their employees. Do you have an employee who makes disparaging remarks to another employee based on their sex? Then tell them to cut it out, and if they don't, fire them. Do your hire "brogrammers" who behave like frat boys at work? Then start hiring people who can behave in a civilized manner in professional environments. That's the only way that real progress will be made.
I think the problem should be tackled from both sides.
The people who already make up the tech field, mostly men, should absolutely behave in a professional(non-frat-boy) manner as you say.
_AND_ everyone already in the tech field should let girls & women outside of the field know that they are welcome & fully capable of entering the tech field by showing more role-models and more blogs like this one.