Any suggestions for accomplishing this in reverse? What I mean is the IndieWeb idea of 'Publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere'.
It looks like you are posting to various third-party services and then aggregating them into a feed on your site. It looks great and functions well but obviously you are at the mercy of these third-parties should something go wrong (they cease operations, change APIs, etc...).
I very much like the idea of posting everything from a primary source which I control, then pushing it out to the third-party services. Easier said than done of course, but it's something I think there is demand for.
I made my own CMS just for this, to collect stuff in one place and then maybe use that elsewhere. At first I did RSS -> third party sites -> Twitter and Facebook, but I got tired of that after a while (I'm not really using either, so why spam stuff there), but just knowing that I could do that is kinda comforting. For now the only "syndication" I do is to output nodes text/images in JSON to make mashups that automatically grow as I add and tag content in the "repository", or to output links to mp3 files as playlist for a flash audioplayer, etc.
I initially planned to open source it, but then I decided I'd rather just do my own thing without having to worry how it works for others, and especially how they would upgrade it when a new version comes out. But I recommend it wholeheartedly. Make your own CMS and have it do exactly what you need it to do, with all the metadata you could possibly want!
For example, recently I added the ability to add a date to nodes, as exact or rough as I want (millenium, century, decade etc up to specific days... I don't even have a use for that currently haha, I just wanted to have it). I don't just have tags, I have several taxonomies, some just visible to myself, nodes are nested in two ways (imagine every comment here could also have a "subtree" of comments, ad infinitum), and I could even use it to make something forum-like if I wanted to, since each node has settings for who may attach what to them, and who may attach what to those nodes in turn, several levels deep. It was a lot of work, and the code sure is ugly, but so far I have seen nothing out there that even tempts me to switch. Nothing fits me as well as the glove I made for myself :)
Okay then.. I didn't wanna post links, because I've been hellbanned here before, and am paranoid about identifying myself for that reason, but just for you I'm making an exception, may it inspire you greatly :)
The Publicize module of the Jetpack WordPress plugin allows that for a limited set of services: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, and Path.
There are services aimed at e.g. PR departments for enterprise that do something a little like what you've described.
I believe is this sort of thing, but I haven't looked into it myself. I don't know how well it integrates into your actual "own site".
edit: also seems to be the same sort of thing. I've just found these by Googling, though.
[more thoughtful response] I suspect you would still be at the mercy of services' API's (probably more so because you would be pushing rather than pulling), but it's a great idea. I think is barking up that tree...
this is indeed true, however with POSSE instead of PESOS you can still post new content if the external services are down, and your copy is the first copy which existed, meaning you can link to it from syndicated copies, which enables all kinds of cool stuff like
The unrolling effect makes the page unreadable when you scroll by dragging the scrollbar handle however. It works fine when you scroll with the mousewheel but scrolling rapidly to any part of the page with the scrollbar makes the animation fire from 0 for every element on the page which means you drag-pause for animation to complete to scan what the text says-then continue scrolling.
Shortening the animation length on non-mouse-wheel page scroll may help.
Firefox 26.0. I recorded a short video but the framerate makes it a bit hard to see the animation restarting (a few seconds into the video I start scrolling faster which makes the issue more apparent):
What I envisioned was a social network, where in order to become a member, one must be the verified registered owner of a domain, where their social media newspaper would be displayed. More detail here:
I look forward to your mobile optimization, please do a follow up Show HN when you accomplish that. Best of luck.
Looks good. Might be an idea to allow people (once you open source) to add their own 'plugins', code they could write themselves to pull from different websites. I.e., someone could write one for and contribute it.
Nailed it! I designed it from the start with this in mind. Each site has it's own module so I (or anyone) can just add them in and subtract as they please
This is beautiful. I can't wait for the source to be available so I can use it as the frontend for everything I've imported into a WordPress-powered lifestream using Keyring Social Importers (
I'm developing a very similar thing recently. Because nowadays everything you do will probably appear on the Internet, I call it 'automating your day recording'.
There's more you can add to this, such as 4sq check-ins, Instapaper/Pocket readings, YouTube watched, etc.
Then I realized that it's just FriendFeed, if you bother to add a social element.
I plan to include facebook for sure, but since I don't use it I have no idea how I would test it haha. My idea would be to just have people tell me what feeds they would want and I'll add them in!
It looks like you are posting to various third-party services and then aggregating them into a feed on your site. It looks great and functions well but obviously you are at the mercy of these third-parties should something go wrong (they cease operations, change APIs, etc...).
I very much like the idea of posting everything from a primary source which I control, then pushing it out to the third-party services. Easier said than done of course, but it's something I think there is demand for.